Tips for Aural Analysis
When writing aural responses, ask yourself the questions listed.
DURATION - rhythm, beat, metre, tempo, pulse
Time signature? Does it change, or is it constant?
Simple or compound time?
Is the metre regular or irregular? Is the beat or metre obvious?
Is it syncopated? Does it use accents? Ties? Rests?
Is the phrasing regular or irregular?
Any recurring patterns or motifs? Repetition? Rhythmic ostinato?
Is the rhythm complex or simple? Is there a variety of rhythmic patterns?
Tripets/duplets? Hemiola? Cross-rhythms?
PITCH - melody, harmony, range
Key signature? Does it change, or is it constant?
Definite or indefinite pitch?
Recurring intervals? eg. Tritone?
- Tonal or atonal?
- Diatonic or chromatic? Major/minor/modal/blues?
- Does it modulate? Related chords?
- Phrasing regular/irregular? Symmetrical/asymmetrical?
- Identify cadence points?
- Wide/narrow pitch range? Registers?
- Does the melody move by step/leap? Awkward intervals?
- Smooth or jagged/flat melodic contour?
- Is the melodic line lyrical or rhythmic?
- Any repeated patterns eg. ground bass, melodic ostinato, harmonic ostinato?
- Are there sequences? Motifs? Are the motifs developed?
- Do you recognise any chord progressions, eg. 12-bar blues?
- Is the harmony consonant or dissonant? Linear?
- Are the entries fugal? Canonic?
- Notation - traditional or non-traditional? Graphic?
- Call and response? Question and Answer?
TEXTURE - Layers of sound, performing media
Is the piece chordal or linear?
Is the texture full/thick or thin/sparse?
Textural changes throughout piece?
Roles of instruments? melodic, harmonic, rhythmic, sound effect?
Counterpoint/contrary motion?
Staggered entries?
Impact of dynamics/articulation? eg. staccato
Impact of pitch? eg. no bass therefore, lighter texture
Impact of duration? eg. rests
TONE COLOUR - Quality of sound, performing media
Identify each of the performing media
Acoustic or synthesised? Electronic?
What shade or colour does the sound indicate to you? eg. piercing, bright, sombre, muted
Particular tone quality of instrument registers eg. lower register of piano: rich, chunky, upper register of piano: clear, tinkly
Type of Ensemble?
DYNAMICS & EXPRESSIVE TECHNIQUES - articulations, performance techniques, dynamics
Dynamic range? Do the dynamics change or remain constant?
Are the changes gradual? Terraced?
Are the markings specific and detailed?
Articulations - specific and detailed?
STRUCTURE - form, sections and whole works
Does the piece have a formal structure?
Are there clear sections? eg. A, B, C, etc.
Is there a definable form? eg. Binary, Ternary, Rondo, Theme and Variation, Additive Form (ABCDE etc), 12-bar blues form, Strophic form, through-composed form, Verse-chorus form
Regular phrasing?
How do you know when a new section starts?
Motivic development? Thematic development?