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Year 7 Music in Technology

Learning at PBHS

In Term 2 this year, Year 7 at Punchbowl Boys High School have been studying Music in Technology.  Students learnt about the importance of music in the entertainment industry today and its significance in our everyday lives, from the startup sound of our computers to the message notifications and calls we receive everyday.


Students listened to a range of ringtones and sounds from the 1990s to present and identified the musical qualities of a catchy yet simple tune. With this knowledge, students were inspired to compose their very first original ringtone on Garageband to use on their own devices. 


To use the ringtone on your phone, follow the instructions on our  Download page on how to transfer the music file to your device.  

If you would like to have a go at making your own, follow the steps in the video tutorial on our Create page to compose an original ringtone for personal use!

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