The 6 basic steps to composing your own game music soundtrack on Garageband.
Ever get bored of hearing that same tune when playing Tetris? What about muting the sound when playing a game because the music just does not fit? Well, it's time you learn to compose your own, and if you are a budding game developer reading this right now, this is the video for you.
"Technology gives the quietest student a voice." Jerry Blumengarten.
21st Century education.
Many educators debate on the effectiveness of incorporating the use of technology in the classroom. Although there will never be 'a' conclusion, I am sure we can all agree on this - technology is a powerful tool that when used appropriately, can lead to some of the world's greatest creations... and I have been lucky enough to witness this in my very own music classroom lately.
I recently created this video tutorial for Year 8 students to watch before proceeding to begin composing their very first game music soundtrack. With headphones on and eyes transfixed on the iPad screen, students were in the zone and taking in much more information in this virtual space compared to the usual attempts at classroom discussion and live demonstrations. Of course, this is hugely dependent on setting and context, but what surprised me most was how this method of learning resulted in high levels of creativity seen through students' work, especially those usual back-row seaters who barely show any participation or make helpful contributions in class. Sometimes we just don't realise the potential in our students unless we find interesting and unique ways to reach out and connect with them. This all goes back to AITSL Standard 1: "Know your students and how they learn." We are not just ticking boxes here, we are transforming lives.